API Quickstart Guide

Get started using the Digital Yama API with these simple steps.

1: Get Your API Key

First, create a free account. Then go to the API Keys page in your account and generate a new API key.

2: Try Some API Calls

You can start making API calls right away using our Postman collection:

  • Go to the Digital Yama Postman collection and click the "Fork" button to create your own copy.
  • Click on Digital Yama Quickstart, then on Variables
  • Change the "Current value" of api-key to your API key:

3: Get Code Samples

You can get code snippets in our Postman collection. Open any endpoint, then click the code icon in the right sidebar:

4: Read the Documentation

You can read the full docs for our API at https://api.digitalyama.com/redoc

5: Need Help?

Have questions or hitting a snag? Contact us anytime for help.